Title (romaji): Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Title (English): For You in Full Blossom
Tagline: Ikemen Paradise
Also known as: Hana Kimi
Genre: High school romance comedy
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Episodes: 12
Viewership ratings: 17.3 (Kanto)
Broadcast period: 2007-Jul-03 to 2007-Sep-18
Air time: Tuesday 21:00
Theme songs:
Opening theme: Ikenai Taiyo by Orange Range
Ending theme: PEACH by Otsuka Ai
Insert songs: My Love by Kawashima Ai, Boom boom boom by Go Hiromi, Paradise Ginga by Hikaru Genji, Tomaranai Ha~Ha by Yazawa Eikichi, Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne
See Hanazakari no Kimitachi e OST for original soundtracks listing
Related drama: Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu
Based on a popular comic, this hilarious comedy follows the chaos, troubles and friendship at a boys’ boarding school after a girl-disguising-a-boy joins. Ashiya Mizuki has just come back to Japan from California where she was raised. She fell in love with Sano Izumi, a hopeful high jump hero, who has quit after an accident. As she wants him to go back to the sport once again, she enters the same high school as a boy! With a short hair, flattened chest and lowered voice, she starts sharing the same room with Sano. --Fuji Creative
Horikita Maki as Ashiya Mizuki
Oguri Shun as Sano Izumi
Ikuta Toma as Nakatsu Shuichi
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